Congratulations to 2020 Marsden Scholarship Recipients

Congratulations to Meghan Brandenburger and Lexi Hoare, recipients of the 2020 Marsden Scholarship awarded by the Roslyn Boys & Girls Club. We are proud of Meghan and Lexi, and we wish them all the best for a successful future.

Meghan Brandenburger is the daughter of John and Louisa Brandenburger. She is a graduate of Abington Senior High School and plans to attend the University of Mississippi with a major in business. Ultimately, she hopes to become an owner/operator of a Chick-fil-A restaurant. Meghan has participated in Friends Against Alcohol and Drugs, Teens Against Alcohol and Drugs, the Mini-Thon, and various Roslyn Boys & Girls Club activities. She achieved National Honor Society recognition in grades 11 and 12 and has also returned to Roslyn Elementary School to volunteer there during her high school years. Meghan received high praise from her references who, spoke of her diligence in the classroom, her excellence in AP math courses, her positive attitude, perseverance, communication skills, work ethic, and open-mindedness.

Lexi Hoare is the daughter of David and Nina Hoare, and she plans to attend Washington and Jefferson University to study pediatric oncology. A graduate of Abington Senior High School, Lexi was a member of the Key Club, the Latin Club, Police Explorers, the National Alliance of Mental Illness, the Unity Team Board, the Goldfish Swim School, and the National Honor Society. During high school, she made Honor Roll all four years and received the Achievement in Family and Consumer Science Award in grade 9. She is also the recipient of the President’s Service Award, the Chief William J. Kelly Excellence in Volunteerism Award, and the Jon Fox Emerging Servant Leadership Award. Lexi’s references cited her cooperative, determined, and hard-working spirit; and they highlighted the pivotal role she played in the development of the ASHS chapter of the National Alliance on Mental Illness.